Thursday, 23 March 2017

Geckos and Skinks

I have been learning about lizards and skinks so that we can take better care of the lizard garden.
I found this easy because I was working in a group and we all knew what we had to do.
I felt good about this because we did it in a group.        
My next step is to do it independently.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed listening to your group's presentation and reading your poster. Well done on finding so many interesting facts.

granna said...

I am really proud you can work so well in a group. I am also very interested in you studying lizards and skinks. You will have to tell me when you come up this weekend what we have running around our back porch. I think they must be skinks.

Mummy said...

Gosh, there's a lot of interesting facts about Geckos and Skinks. Well done ! Fantastic presentation. We have a lot of Skinks running around our place sometimes - it's good to know a bit more about them now.